Thursday, February 21, 2013

Our CTED operations Ghana

I am just leaving Ghana to New York.    We just opened in Accra a building next to the NYU in Accra campus which we will use as the Ghana office of our Center for Technology and Economic Development (CTED).   We are hoping that our research will actually improve the lives of poor people.  We do not only want to talk about it, but to actually get something done! 
   The research center is across the road from the NYU in Accra student academic Center, where undergraduate students do a semester abroad, taking a full range of course.   Our research in Ghana is funded primarily from external grants, and we will be getting the NYU undergraduates involved in our research.  We of course also have resident Ghanaian scholars interested and involved in our activities.
        I also spent several days in the Kumawu Afram plains,  where we are doing our research on small holder farming, with some of our  Ph.D. students and Center staff.  A separate group is working on research in the Volta region of Ghana.  There are the usual poor country problems we face doing research outside of Accra – lack of water and electricity being the principal ones.  My team and I however were all enjoyed the beauty and the calmness of the place – the heat was a bother to some, but a something I loved.
     Back in Accra, we held a seminar at Esoko, a great African technology firm which works with smallholder farmers sending price, weather and agricultural advice to farmers on their mobile phones.  We will be writing more about Esoko in the coming weeks.  Our CTED occasional paper should be starting soon, and the Esoko piece should be one of the early ones. 
    All in all, a wonderful stay in Ghana, with lots of research done and a good time had by everyone in our team.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Live from the WEF Today

I watched a live session of the World Economic Forum today – no I am not in Davos but watching this from computer in freezing New York.  I logged on halfway through.  Prez Jonathan sounded good and very presidential.  President Kagame, in asking a question from the floor, was all over the place – unclear what he was trying to say.   President Zuma seemed quiet but then came up with a great remark about how problems which are worldwide are sometimes thought of as only pertaining to Africa – he was responding to a question on youth unemployment.  The best part for me was seeing the very charming Stan and Marion Bergman in the front row – they have been great supporters of Africa in New York and for NYU’s Africa House.